Get The Fuck Outta Dodge

Get The Fuck Outta Dodge are a scrappy garage punk twosome with growling bass and wired up throats. Inhabiting the scabby underbelly of the beast, Dodge are here to cover you in the life of grime from their swamp degenerate Rock n Roll shenanigans. Let them be the scratch to the itch you just can't reach.
Formed in 2019 as a vanity project to keep Ren busy before he hit the big 4-0, GTFOD have released too many songs on too many formats, 3 albums of badly copied cover songs, appeared on countless kick ass comps, started a cottage industry T-shirt printing business, played all over the UK (Sheffield and Peterborough) all whilst failing to master their instruments on a spectacular level.
If you like no nonsense shouts, bass explosions and drum banging, then Get The Fuck Outta Dodge hit all the right places!